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Legacy TypeScript SDK Architecture

Legacy TypeScript SDK Architecture


The Legacy TypeScript SDK package aptos is deprecated and will be replaced by the new TypeScript SDK. Please refer to the new TypeScript SDK for the latest features and updates.

This document describes the main features and components of the Legacy Aptos TypeScript SDK.

The Legacy Aptos TypeScript SDK provides APIs and interfaces you can use to interact with the Aptos blockchain for reading the blockchain state and for sending your transaction to the Aptos blockchain.

The Legacy Aptos TypeScript SDK has three logical layers:

  1. Client layer - Responsible on communication with the blockchain server.
  2. Core layer - Exposes the functionalities needed by most applications.
  3. Plugins layer - Implementation of different use cases such as Token, NFT, ANS, etc.

See below a high-level architecture diagram of the Legacy Aptos TypeScript SDK.

Signed Transaction Flow

Components of the TypeScript SDK